
Constitution for the United Kingdom Council for Area Studies Associations (UKCASA)

(Please note: this Constitution is currently being revised. A new draft Constitution is out for consultation with a view to it being agreed at a Special General Meeting of UKCASA in February 2025)


1. The title of the Association shall be the United Kingdom Council for Area Studies Associations (UKCASA)


2. The aims of the UKCASA are:

  • To promote, support and defend Area Studies programmes at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.
  • To develop a collaborative community amongst Area Studies Associations and practitioners.
  • To promote interdisciplinary research and teaching about specific regions of the world.


3. (a) Full Membership of the Association shall be open to all Area Studies Associations in the United Kingdom. An Area Studies Association is a multidisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary oriented organisation bringing together practitioners engaged in the advanced study of a specific geographical area.

3. (b) The Council may at its discretion admit as Associate Members organisations that have an interest in area studies even though their members are mostly neither university staff nor research students. Representatives of Associate Member organisations may observe and contribute to meetings of UKCASA, but will not be permitted to vote.

3. (c) Individuals are not able to become members of the Council.


4. The Treasurer shall at an appropriate time propose subscription rates for the next calendar year to the Council. The Council shall set subscription rates on advice from the Treasurer. Should the Council decide that rates require amendment it should propose the same to the Council’s Annual General Council Meeting. If adopted by the AGM the new rates shall come into effect for the calendar year following the AGM.


5. (a) The Council shall consist of one person elected or nominated by each member Area Studies Association. The Subject Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies (or any future successor organisation) may also be represented on the Council. An Area Studies Association may send a substitute to Council meetings in the event of the regular Council member being unavailable.

5. (b) Each individual Area Studies Association shall determine the method by which they elect or nominate their representatives.

5. (c) If a vacancy arises through the resignation or death of a Council member, a successor shall be elected or nominated by his/her Area Studies Association in accordance with article 5 (b).

Officers of the Association

6. (a) There shall be a Chair, who shall preside over the Council, a Secretary, who shall keep a record of proceedings, and a Treasurer, who shall keep accounts and present a statement of accounts at the Annual General Council Meeting. These officers shall be elected separately at successive annual general Council meetings to serve for three years. In addition to the three officers, the Council shall select a member of the Council as Vice-Chair, who shall aid the Chair in the performance of his/her duties. In the absence of the Chair or Vice-Chair, the Council shall nominate an Acting Chair pro tem

6. (b) On completion of a term of office the Officer shall, at the Annual General Meeting, vacate the post, but shall be eligible for re-election. An Officer shall not be eligible for re-election to a third consecutive full term of the same office.

6. (c) If a vacancy arises through the resignation, death or election to other office of an Officer of the Association, a successor shall be elected by the Council at the next Annual General Council Meeting to serve the unexpired term. In the case of necessity, the Council may nominate one of their number to serve until the next Annual General Council Meeting.

Former Chairs

7. Former Chairs of the Council shall be invited to continue to serve in an advisory capacity. They shall receive the agenda and minutes of the Council and shall be invited to attend the meetings of the Council.
They shall not be entitled to vote or be counted for quorum purposes, nor shall they be eligible to claim expenses.

General Meetings

8. An Annual General Council Meeting of the Association shall be held at such time as the Council shall determine, and a Special General Council Meeting may be convened at not less that three weeks notice at the request of the majority of the Council. A programme of Ordinary General Council meetings will be established as the Council sees fit. All members of the Council shall have the right to vote at such meetings. Disputed matters will be decided by majority vote. In the case of a tied vote, the Chair shall have the casting vote.


9. A quorum shall consist of 50% of the members of the Council. In the event of less than 50% of the Council members being present, e-mail may be used for any matters on which a vote is required.


10. Alterations to this Constitution shall require the assent of two-thirds of the members present and voting at an Annual General Council Meeting or a Special General Council Meeting. A resolution for the alteration of the Constitution must be received by the Secretary of the Association at least 21 days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be brought forward. At least 14 days notice of such a meeting must be given by the Secretary to the Council and must include notice of the alteration proposed.


11. The Council may be dissolved by a Resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a Special General Council Meeting convened for the purpose of which 21 days notice shall have been given (to the Council). Such resolution may give instruction for the disposal of any assets held by or in the name of the Council, provided that any property shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Council but shall be given or transferred to such other institution or institutions as have aims similar to some or all of the aims of the Council.